Misinformation: CBGBs is a big part of the BRC income
Fact: CBGBs pays rent to The BRC, a $30 million organization. The BRC has “over a dozen sites, 750 units of housing and serves 8,000 individuals per year. Rosenblatt said Kristal’s spaces provide less than 1 percent of B.R.C.’s annual budget.” (source).

Imagine how small this rent increase is to the BRC but how devastating and life-ending it is to CBGBs!

Rumor: CBGBs does not pay rent, or CBGBs is out of money

“The club owner has let the club often referred to as a dive become out of shape, and out of money" (source).
Fact: Doubling of rent from $20,000 a month to $40,000 a month is not the same as saying CBGBs is out of money. CBGBs was never about the money and did not start making money until a few years ago. They survive off bar sales and T-shirt revenue. CBGBs is not out of money – but is limited as to what it can pay in revenue increases.

Fact: CBGBs has been paying rent to the BRC in good-faith since the BRC became its landlord. CBGBs was never billed for a rent increase in 2001 and went to court to solve its dispute over an un-notified rent increase that the BRC admits they never properly billed . The BRC improperly billed CBGBs a second time for an additional increase that is also being disputed. This case has been in court and the BRC and has been paying on that increase ever since.

Misinformation: CBGBs does not live up to its responsibility

BRC Director Muzzy Rosenblatt said, "Martha Stewart doesn't get by when she doesn't live up to her responsibilities and neither should Hilly Kristal. This is the real world. When you give your word, you've got to live by it." (source).
Fact: Kristal and CBGBs did live by their word and pay all of the rent they were billed. Hilly Kristal has been the janitor and the Night watchman of 313 and 315 Bowery for free for thirty two years. Nonetheless, the buildings are old and have always needed new repairs. Hilly has always taken care of them and Martha Stewart would probably even approve of his creative use of space for art!

Misinformation: “I am not going to subsidize CBGB at the expense of homeless people," Muzzy Rosenblatt, executive director for the organization (BRC – Landlord), told the New York Times” (source).
Fact: CBGBs pays more in rent to BRC than BRC pays in rent for the entire building. CBGBs has a small rent dispute over never being billed for a portion of a rent increase – hardly the same as being accused of subsidizing a night club at the expense of the homeless!

Misinformation: The rent was clearly written and CBGBs is Absconding from their obligations. BRC Executive Director Muzzy Rosenblatt said "They signed a lease that was very explicit about what the rent was," Rosenblatt explained to Pollstar. "They knew what the rent was; they didn't pay the full amount. It's the second time they've tried to abscond on their obligations to pay the rent."
Fact: No one tried to “abscond from obligations” – CBGBs was never properly billed and in return never paid an increase in rent. Jeez, CBGBs paid rent all those months with out anyone ever telling them an increase had occurred and they needed to pay more!

Misinformation: “BRC, said that his chief concern is the safety not only of the 175 people who are provided shelter in the housing units above the punk-rock landmark, but of CBGB's patrons as well.”
Fact: CBGBs has always had concern for its patrons, the homeless, and shares the same goals as the BRC does in caring for the homeless and the downtrodden. CBGBs has taken care of thousands of homeless neighbors over the years, helped secure the neighborhood, provided emergency assistance to those that needed, sheltered many, and have given water, food, clothing, and even janitorial and electrical services to the homeless living above CBs. In addition, the very same BRC took over a year to provide proper heat to the building that they now care so much about.

Mis-comparison: Comparing CBGBs to Great White Tragedy.

"Patrons who go to CBGB to listen to music expect to come out alive," he says. "[Kristal] has no public-assembly permit, there's insufficient egress, construction has been completed down there that they [never secured permits for] and was not done to code. It's scary." Rosenblatt said he has only asked Kristal to be a responsible tenant by paying rent and bringing the venue into compliance with existing building codes.
Fact: This is just silly, over the top and insensitive. It was a tragedy that the musicians in Great White died and all of those music patrons died. How dare anyone say that the entire music community does not feel sorrow for this tragedy and does not care about the health and safety of their patrons. Every music venue in the country made improvements and new policies to avoid this type of tragedy ever happens again! CBGBs made several changes and has had countless fire inspectors check out the club for safety. – And yes the club is up to code!

Mis-statement: CBGBs destiny is in the hands of owner Hilly Kristal "Show me you can meet your current obligations, and then we'll talk about new ones,'' says Muzzy Rosenblatt, executive director of the Bowery Residents' Committee. "His destiny is in his own hands" (source).
Fact: The current interest on unbilled back lease that is in the courts hands. In the mean time – CBGBs still trying to renew their 12 year lease at a fair price that has not been achieved.

Rumor: Is legendary punk landmark CBGB in danger of being demolished and replaced by NYU dorms? (source).
Fact: Even we haven't heard this one.